Bellies, photo, Russia, 2011
tussenoplossing, photo, Russia, 2006
To shy to ask him directly, I made an animation afterwards of what I wanted him to re-enact in the bus.
man map bus, animation, Russia, 2010
witte handschoen, photo, Russia, 2006
hoofd tegen rug, photo, Russia, 2006
hakschoenen, photo, Russia, 2006
in elkaar overlopen, photo, Russia, 2006
ruimte tussen benen, photo, Russia, 2006
pressing sticking loose
hands holding things, note, Russia, 2006
trek jas, photo, Russia, 2006
scheve foto, photo, Russia, 2006
tas achter rug, note, Russia, 2006
schuine bank, action, Russia, 2006