Video, single screen, 6 min, Thessaloniki 2015
In this video Olheten presents three elderly Greek men, each of whom stop separately at a specific park bench to do their gymnastic exercises. Written on the bench is the word “Kapitalism.” Although the combination of the graffiti and stiff movements certainly makes you smile, there is a serious statement being made here, about silent protest, indifference and fierce pride. [IDFA 2017]
Shown at o.a Marres, Maastricht (NL) 2016.; Annet Gelink gallery (NL) 2017; Gallery Spot, Zagreb 2017; IDFA 2017 (NL); Nederlands Fotomuseum (NL) 2020; Fondazione MAST, Bologna (IT) 2024.
Full movie: Kapitalism, 6min15s